Monday, September 29, 2014

Nature Center

The weather has been so beautiful we decided to spend a morning at the nature center and venture on a hike. It was a lot of fun and the backpack Devin's parents gave to us was perfect. It made it really nice to get out and hit the trails.  Lincoln loved being outside exploring everything there was to see!

So we've been working with Lincoln getting his routines down so when the baby comes it will be easier on all of us.  So Lincoln's bedtime routine consists of reading books with Mom or Dad saying prayers and goodnights and then we put him in bed where he usually reads or plays for a few minutes before he goes to sleep. He has been going to bed on his own for a few months now and it makes it really nice. Well Lincoln's newest thing is he has to have every blanket and stuffed animal on the bed with him. It's absolutely adorable. We go in and every night he's surrounded or cuddling with one of his stuffed animals. He's also started bringing all his bedding into the living room and pretending to sleep or piling it all on Dad as he tries to read him stories. It's so much fun. Lincoln is getting so big and it's fun to see him love his big boy bed!

We've also decided to start introducing Lincoln to the potty to see if maybe we can get him potty trained before Baby Girl Kenney comes. He has done a really good job so far. He quickly learned that when he uses the potty he get's either a little treat or a few minutes on the I-Pad. He now asked for a treat or I-pad then tells us he has to go and runs to his little potty. Which is great except he has completely learned how to game the system. He will tell us he needs to go to the bathroom 3 or 4 times in a hour and each time go just a little bit just to get a treat or the I-pad. What a smart little stinker he is! Last night he even used it as a last ditch attempt to get out of bed at bedtime calling us in and telling us he needed to go. I can't believe how smart he's gotten and he's not even two yet!
Look at these my Two Handsome Boys!

I'm sure Lincoln won't appreciate that I put this picture up for everyone to see but I couldn't resist when I walked in and he was reading a book on the potty.

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