Thursday, January 22, 2015

Quinn's first week

 Quinn's first full day home from the hospital! I can't believe she was only 3 days old!
 Quinn was only home a few days before we ended up having to put her under the lights to help bring down her bilirubin count. So most of the pictures we took of Quinn in her first week was her wrapped in a blanket with the light shining out behind her.
  Less than a week old and already reading her first books!
 Lincoln has been so sweet with Quinn. Most the time he just ignores her but sometimes he is so sweet. Giving her kisses, and trying to give her toys or just running up and babbling to her about who know what.

Quinn only had to be under the lights 3 days but it felt like forever. I was so happy to be able to really hold my baby girl and get her dressed in all the cute clothes her Grandma's spoiled her with.

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